MovableType 6.3.5 出了个补丁包
最后更新于 | 最初发布于 | 分类: MovableType
不过一天,MovableType 被发现出现一个bug,就是用Tag 搜索的时候会出错。因此,赶紧把补丁包放出来,其实就一个文件。
We have released a patch file to fix the following problem. This is not a security problems.
PROBLEMAn error occurred when Tag search by mt-search.cgi was called.
SOLUTIONPlease apply patch file. This patch file is available for Movable Type 6.3.5.
PATCH FILEThe patch file contains following files. Please replace the same files on your servers.
下载 ,解压缩,上传覆盖就可以了。