升级到 MovableType 7.1.4
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把本blog升级到最新版本的 MovableType 7.1.4, R4603。
从 r4601 升级到 r4603 更为简单,把安装包下载,上传到服务器,解压,覆盖原安装文件,然后登录后台,就自动验证升级成功了。
根据 SixApart 的官方说明,有不少的变化,有些还比较重要。
- [MTC-26731] Buttons are available in multiple-line field type of Contents Fields, the same as Entries.
- [MTC-26916] Center-Align and Right-Align buttons are available in Rich Text Editor of Content Fields.
- [MTC-25496] ContentSync Log is available.
- [MTC-26835] Improve the rebuild speed of ContentType and ContentData.
- [MTC-26404] Improve to treat plugins which have no schema version setting (Cloud only).
- [MTC-10937] Enable to clear history of ContentSync.
- [MTC-26316] "Sync all files" option is available at scheduled ContentSync.
- [MTC-26316] Send notification emails additionally to the user executing the sync process.
- [MTC-26496] Add Destination setting label.
- [MTC-26600] Enable to set SchwartzClientDeadline.
- [MTC-26544] Microsoft Edge is now supported in mt.cgi
- [MTC-26933] TheSchwartz log mode is verbose in run-periodic-tasks by default.
- [MTC-26496] Improve the notification email of ContentSync.