MovableType 5.03 发布了

6A发布了MovableType 5.03,这是一个bug修复版,没有新的特性,也不是什麽安全漏洞修复。


Resolved Issues in Movable Type 5.03

* 103927 Old comment sessions are not deleted properly. (Fixed)
* 104102 Cannot publish archive templates when there are multiple archives with different publishing settings. (Fixed)
* 104161 Cannot search older assets in 'Insert Image' dialog. (Fixed)
* 104326 Cannot add custom fields after upgrading from MT4.x when the user have changed the sort order in MT4.x. (Fixed)
* 104337 Error when disabling a plugin that adds custom objects and its custom fields. (Fixed)
* 104338 Cannot publish archive templates by Publish Queue. (Fixed)
* 104374 Cannot sign-in with the TypePad account that has multi byte characters in its Nick Name (Fixed)
* 104375 Error with SQL Server when using include_blogs="children" at the website that has no blog. (Fixed)

