
Smartpricing是一个Google Adsense的技术用语,它会影响网站的收入,至于如何影响,那些参数会影响到这个smartpricing,外界一直在猜测。

Google 在去年的10月28日,有过一个帖子,稍微解释了这个问题。

1. Many factors determine the price of an ad

More than conversion rate goes into determining the price of an ad: the advertiser's bid, the quality of the ad, the other ads competing for the space, the start or end of an ad campaign, and other advertiser fluctuations.


2. Clickthrough rate doesn't affect advertiser return on investment (ROI)

The percentage of clicks that convert for an advertiser is the most important factor in an advertiser's ROI, so it's not only possible, but common, to have a low CTR and a high advertiser conversion rate. It's also possible to have a high CTR and a low conversion rate. Don't remove the AdSense code from your site just because it has a lower CTR - it may be one of your best converting sites.


3. Google doesn't make money from 'smart pricing'

In fact, we make less money, since the cost to advertisers is reduced in order to provide a strong ROI. Ultimately, this leads to higher payouts for publishers by drawing a larger pool of advertisers and rewarding publishers who create high quality sites.

3)Google不是为了牟利而去作Smart Pricing

4. Remember the old chestnut: "Content is King"

The best way to ensure you benefit from AdSense is to create compelling content for interested users. This also means driving targeted traffic to your site -- advertisers don't gain as much ROI when paying for generic clicks as they do for quality clicks that come from interest in your content. Good content usually equals a good experience for user plus advertiser, which can be much more valuable than CTR.


看过Low Quality + Smart Pricing = Declining Revenues之后,你也会明白,当内容质量很差,而且Smart Pricing起作用后,那些流量所带来的点击,就成为了低质量的点击,起转换率一般都低。

在我看来,Smart Pricing就是一个对于那些低质量内容网站的广告点击,进行价格折扣的系统。内容如果不好,那么价格就会持续下降。

对于Smart Pricing还有一个疑惑,曾经有人说Smart Pricing是对整个AdSense帐号起作用的,而我的观察是只对域名起作用,就是站点,一个站点会有一个Smart Pricing调整参数。