来自Microsoft Live Search UK的优化建议

最近花费了很多的时间在面向MSN Live Search的优化,也查看了一些文档,昨天看到的一个英国MSN Live搜索的帮助文件中有下面一段话,是告诉站长如何提高网站在Live搜索中的排名。


To improve a website's ranking on Windows Live Search
提高改善网站在Windows Live Search中的排名

* If your site has a splash page, add descriptive content

* Think about making your front page accessible to those with specialist settings on their browser (speech readers, text resizers)

* Use UK reference points in the page description, like your location and telephone number
在页面描述中,提供有关UK(英国)的参考信息,比如你的地址,电话等,这样可以方便辨认你的网站的服务地区。 这个对于任何国家都有效,提供一个实际的地址,比自我吹嘘更为重要,很多时候,一个没有实际联系地址的网站,我都会怀疑其可靠性。

* Research your main competitors with high search rankings

* Think carefully about key terms that users search on, and use those terms to build a page

* Choose terms for the title that match the concept of your document. Users are more likely to click if the title matches what they're looking for

* Use meta-tags with carefully written descriptions. After a title, users click on a link because the description draws them in
写页面的Meta-tags时,要针对用户来写,因为除了标题之外,meta description也会对用户从众多的搜索结果中选择其目标网页有重大的影响。可见对于Live Search还是会把meta description作为搜索结果的一部分显示出来。而不是从页面内容中抓取它所认为是页面描述的部分。

* Keywords do not have much effect on ranking, but they do have an effect. Use a distinct list of keyword meta tags for each page on your site instead of using one broad set of keywords on every page
meta keywords有作用,不过影响有限,独立的对每个页面设置贴切的关键词,而不是在所有页面都使用一个冗长,笼统的关键词组。

* Keep relevant text and links in HTML, and limit graphic links
在页面中,使用相关的文字和链接,并且限制使用图像链接,图像链接诶对搜索引擎不友好。 不过现在我认为可以用添加alt tag来增加描述。

* Include an HTML site map, with a link from your welcome page

* Correspond with webmasters and other content providers to build rich linkages between related pages

